
Welcome to the Whitesand home page. We hope you enjoy your visit. We are currently  overhauling the website in order to improve its function and accessibility. Our goal is to; Present ease-of-access to its Social Programs, Economic & Community Development, Employment Opportunities, Upcoming Events and a place share our views with the community online as we envision our future.


Whitesand First Nation Multi-PlexWe are located 246 kms north east of the City of Thunder Bay, ON on Hwy 527. Off Hwy 11/17. We are situated .5 kms north of Armstrong, ON 
The total area covered by the reserve is 249 acres.


The Whitesand First Nation is an Ojibwa First Nation with a land base of 615 acres. The community of Armstrong Settlement is the main community in the area. In June 2008, their total registered population was 1086 people, of which their on-reserve population was 311.

Old WHitesand members cabins

Originally located along the northwest shore of Lake Nipigon near Mount St. John, and near the Whitesand River, which gives name to the group, Whitesand First Nation was without a home from 1942 when high water levels began eroding the shoreline and flooding out their buildings and burial grounds. Due to the economic influence of the Canadian National Railway, many Whitesand First Nation members settled along the CNR rail line. Largest of these settlements took place in Armstrong. Consequently, when a new Reserve was negotiated, it was located immediately north of that community.

Dougs Drive




Whitesand First Nation
PO Box 68
Armstrong, ON P0T 1A0
Tel: 807.583.2177
Fax: 807.583.2170